an AI-Powered Startups Accelerator by Fuelarts

AX Match
A smart algorithm that connects startups with investors by aligning their assets
and expectations for optimal collaboration
Find Your Perfect Investment Fit
Take this quiz to discover how well your ambition aligns with the current momentum. Whether you're a startup or an investor, it's always the right time to identify opportunities and connect with the perfect match.
Are you a Startup or an Investor?
If incorporated, enter your incorporation date. If not, provide your startup’s founding date or the date the idea was born
Creative Tech Area
Specify the industry or sector your startup belongs to. If it spans multiple areas, choose the most relevant one
Value Chain
Indicate the primary value chain link in your business model — the area that generates the most potential revenue
Funding Stage
Tech Stage
Describe the market problem your startup addresses. If there are multiple problems, list the key ones (3 lines max)
Outline your solution to the problem mentioned above. Keep it simple and within the 3-line limit
Market Capacity (Volume)
Estimate the market capacity (annual trade volume) in which your startup operates. This is often referred to as TAM in marketing
Business Model
Describe your business model. Be realistic — choosing fewer, more relevant options is better than listing too many
*Mark one or more options
Finance Performance
If yes, enter the total amount (numbers only, no dots or commas). If not, enter 0
If yes, enter the total amount (numbers only, no dots or commas). If not, enter 0
Pitch Deck
Attach your pitch deck (investment deck, elevator deck, booklet, or presentation). Up to 5 files can be uploaded, but fewer is better
Does your product use AI?
If you've had previous investment rounds, enter the total amount raised so far (numbers only, no dots or commas). If you haven't raised any funding yet, enter 0
Enter the date of your last investment round. If you haven't raised funds yet, skip this question
How much are you planning to raise in the next round? If the number here differs from your pitch deck, this will be considered the most accurate
Do you have a confirmed date for your next funding round? If not, provide a realistic estimate
Is that date Preferred or already Scheduled?
Amount Committed
Use of Funds for this Raise
*Mark one or more options
What is your current valuation? Every startup should have a realistic estimate, as this helps investors understand your expected equity exchange
Do you have a Lead Investor?
Term Sheet
Attach your Term Sheet for investors. If you haven’t prepared one yet, skip this question — but be ready to have one, as you’ll need it soon
What Brings You Here?
Finally, give us an idea of how AX could be helpful in shaping your Startup (indicate your current needs)
*Mark one or more options
What kind of Investor are you?
If you are investing as an individual, leave this field empty
Only fill this field if you are acting as a representative of an institution (e.g., a fund)
Only fill this field if you are acting as a representative of an institution (e.g., a fund)
Only fill this field if you are acting as a representative of an institution (e.g., a fund). Please use numbers only
Creative Tech startups in the Portfolio
Portfolio Creative Tech Area
If you haven’t made any Creative Tech investments yet, leave these fields empty and proceed to the next question
*Mark one or more options
$, Million
Interested in Investing
*Mark one or more options
Preferred Value Chain
*Mark one or more options
Preferred Funding Stage
*Mark one or more options
Preferred Tech Stage
*Mark one or more options
Preferred Market Capacity (Volume)
*Mark one or more options
Preferred Team
*Mark one or more options
Preferred Business Model
*Mark one or more options
AI Relation
Should the startup be leveraging AI?
Preferred Finance Performance
Preferred Check Size
Fill this field only if your investment strategy requires a specific check size. If it falls within a range, enter 0 and proceed to the next question
Enter numbers only if your investment strategy includes a range of check sizes. If it's a fixed amount, enter 0 in both fields
Amount Raising by Startup
*Mark one or more options
Amount Committed by Startup
*Mark one or more options
Use of Funds for this Raise
*Mark one or more options
Preferred Action
Please indicate your preferred level of involvement in the funding round
*Mark one or more options
Co-Investors Found
Lead Investor Found
Do you have any preferences for the timing of the startup’s next funding round?
Preferable or Scheduled
What Brings You Here?
Finally, give us an idea of how AX could be helpful in shaping your Investor experience (indicate your current needs)
*Mark one or more options
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Heres Your Future
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Heres Your Future
Maria Pokrovskaya
Co-founder & CEO, AX by Fuelarts