SWISS CREATIVE Tech Startups Report 2024
The Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZCCE) at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), in collaboration with Fuelarts, are pleased to announce the publication of the Swiss Creative Tech Startups Report 2024 – a pioneering initiative designed to spotlight the burgeoning Creative Tech sector in Switzerland.

The meticulously crafted 100-page report features comprehensive insights into the Creative Tech ecosystem, highlighting educational initiatives, venture support, and various partnership opportunities that foster growth within this vibrant sector. Beyond its academic significance, the report will serve as an essential resource for Creative Tech startups seeking to establish and expand their operations across the diverse cantons of Switzerland.

Swiss Creative Tech Startups Report 2024 addresses a significant gap: although the intersections of technology with sectors like finance, health, and biology have been extensively explored and strategically developed, the connections with the creative industries have been overlooked. This collaborative report highlights substantial potential for Switzerland that warrants further development in the upcoming years.

SWISS CREATIVE TECH: LATEST NEWS released the report “Switzerland Embedded Finance Business and Investment Opportunities Databook — Q1 2024 Update”. According to the publisher, the embedded finance industry is expected to grow steadily over the forecast period, recording a CAGR of 19.2% during 2024-2029 and increasing from USD 1.67 billion in 2024 to USD 4.04 billion by 2029. The study also highlights the burgeoning Swiss Fintech sector, with over 500 active companies by the end of Q1 2024. released their "Swiss Venture Insights – May 2024". In May 2024, all Swiss startups raised 234 million CHF, a 58% increase from April 2024. However, compared to May 2023, this reflects a 4% decrease. Additionally, there were 38 funding rounds this year compared to 42 in 2023.
SeedBlink Blog released a summary paper, “Switzerland: The Startup Heaven in the Heart of Europe”, sharing the latest research insights from various sources and providing infographics on major startup communities in Switzerland. The paper finds that the Swiss startup ecosystem is thriving, with 18 cities among the 100 best globally for startups. Switzerland's startup ecosystem is ranked eleventh globally and has grown nearly 15 times in the past decade. The report also notes that international investors are increasingly attracted to the region due to more attractive valuations compared to overseas, predictable market development, favourable general conditions, and legal certainty.
ZUTT & PARTNER, the neuromarketing company for research, strategy, and design, released a study titled “Attracting Women Emotionally to the ICT & MINT World”, focusing on women in tech. The study underscores the importance of the ICT sector for Switzerland as a business location, noting that women still find it challenging to enter the field. The study aims to provide data on developments in this area (in German).
The Artificial Intelligence Index & Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence released the “2024 AI Index Report”, featuring statistics on AI startups by country. Switzerland was included in the top 15 countries with the most AI startup activity over the past decade, with 123 startups.
UBS and Swisscom have established the “Deep Tech Nation Switzerland Foundation”, committed to sustainably improving the existing framework conditions for Swiss start-ups, scale-ups, and investors in the deep tech sector. This initiative aims to significantly increase venture capital flows into the Swiss deep tech market. The goal is to mobilise 50 billion CHF over the next 10 years, thereby strengthening Switzerland's innovative capacity and long-term competitiveness.
SICTIC has released its schedule for upcoming Swiss Investor Days until the end of 2024.
Swissnex has initiated quarterly startup gatherings in New York to enhance networking opportunities for Swiss founders in the USA. Further information on activities in other global regions can be found on their website.
The Canton of Zug recently announced a $39 million contribution over five years to the "Blockchain Zug — Joint Research Initiative". This is a joint project of the University of Lucerne and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. It aims to make Swiss Crypto Valley an international centre for blockchain research.